Call Dr Gahles at 718-634-4577
Dr. Nancy Gahles DC, (Ret.), CCH, RSHom(NA), Cert.MBSR, OIM
Recognized Expert, Consultant, Holistic Health Practitioner
Homeopathy * Mindfulness based Stress Reduction * Diet/Lifestyle/ Spiritual Counseling * Meditation *Weddings *Ceremonies *Vow renewal *Rites of Passage *Corporate Wellness

Videos /Podcasts
Dr Nancy Gahles is an Ordained Interfaith Minister with post-graduate training in Spirituality & Healing in Medicine from Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine and the George Washington Institute for Spirituality and Health. She is a community based minister, wedding and rites of passage celebrant, funeral officiant and palliative care practitioner.
Dr. Gahles is a freelance journalist, newspaper columnist, published author and has produced and appeared on radio shows, videos and news media spots.
Dr. Nancy Gahles, DC, CCH, RSHom(NA) began practice as a Doctor of Chiropractic in 1980 specializing in soft tissue injuries.
Dr. Gahles has maintained an integrative healthcare family practice since 1980 focusing on neuro-musculo-skeletal conditions, nutrition, family dynamics, homeopathy, yoga, meditation and spiritual wellness and the stress that underlies dis-ease.
Dr. Gahles is a Certified Classical Homeopath. She served as President of the National Center for Homeopathy where she was instrumental in gaining ground for recognition of homeopathy in the mainstream and in public policy.
She was named 2009 Most Influential Person in Homeopathy by Integrator Blog.
Her advocacy, policy and lobbying interests are now served through her work nationally with the Integrative Health Policy Consortium and locally through Health & Harmony Wellness Center and Spirit of Love~The Rockaway Sangha.
Dr. Gahles is the author of : The Power of $elf Care: A Common Sense Guide to YOUR Wellness Solution and a TEDxTalk of the same name. She has spoken and presented on this across the US introducing her innovative concept of the Health Investment Portfolio© to college campuses, small businesses and the Corporate Wellness arena.