Middle Schoolers at Risk for Suicidal thoughts
Middle schoolers are our future. Middle schoolers are our hope for creating a better world. Middle school comprises the 6th,7th and 8th...
Community Health Centers May Be the Disruptive Innovator in Integrative Healthcare
The ACA, in Sec. 5101, provides for a new national healthcare workforce to enter the mainstream healthcare delivery system. They are...

The Federation of State Medical Boards Issues Model Legislation for Interstate practice
The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), a national non-profit representing the 70 medical and osteopathic boards of the U.S. and...
Purposeful Life Might Be a Longer Life
It may come as no surprise that those who care about themselves usually care about others. The random acts of kindness that flow from...

Stress Really CAN Make You Sick
Kendall Power makes a good case for the ubiquitous "stress" that lowers immunity causing "more pro-inflammatory cytokines to be produced...
What makes you tick? and What makes you sick?
Allergy season is upon us. So the pundits say. But, is there really a season for allergies? Allergies represent a broad class of symptoms...
Upholding the ACA
Upholding the ACA means upholding your CHOICE and ACCESS to MORE than conventional medicine! Sec. 5101 provides for a NEW national...

The Light Comes
'The darkest hour is just before dawn ", as the adage goes. The collective "we", in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, feel as though we...

The Power of $ELF CARE - Now Available on Amazon.com
This inspiring book is a breakthrough gem that empowers you to think in a new way to understand self care as a solution to your health...
Health and Harmony | Information is Power
The information highway, the internet, has been our means of travel to vast storehouses of information for decades now. The plethora of...