The Rise of the Divine Feminine & The Sacred Spiral
The Spring Equinox represents the time of birthing the new into manifestation. It is a time of bearing witness to the Divine in all its...

A Sacred Ritual to Seal a Contract
Marriage is a contract , albeit, a sacred one. Vows are taken to love one another. Promises are made to honor and cherish each other,...
The pain game: The connection between chronic pain and psychological illness
April 17, 2017 I’ve watched athletes begin their game with the sign of the cross to bless themselves and ask for God’s protection on...
Published Nov. 3, 2017 Integrative The American work culture has recently come under scrutiny for the notorious long...
What is a Labyrinth?
Health & Harmony By Dr. Nancy Gahles, DC, CCH, OIM What is a Labyrinth? Councilman Ulrich’s office announced last week the projects that...