The Psychology of Safety
December 2, 2016 SHARE from By Dr. Nancy Gahles, DC, CCH, RSHom(NA), OIM Feeling safe is a prerequisite to happiness, health, and...
The pain game: The connection between chronic pain and psychological illness
April 17, 2017 I’ve watched athletes begin their game with the sign of the cross to bless themselves and ask for God’s protection on...
Middle Schoolers at Risk for Suicidal Thoughts
Middle Schoolers at Risk for Suicidal houghts Health & Harmony By Dr. Nancy Gahles Middle Schoolers at Risk for Suicidal Thoughts Middle...
Colds & Flu—A Homeopathic Perspective
A recall (2007) of over the counter cold and cough medicines has left parents scurrying to find a stop gap treatment measure for their...
Seasons of The Heart: A Merry Christmas Coronary
(credit: Integrative Practitioner .com Dec. 1, 2017) Holidays harken songs of glad tidings for all: heartfelt sentiments are sent in...
Published Nov. 3, 2017 Integrative The American work culture has recently come under scrutiny for the notorious long...
Integrative Health & Wellness Caucus launched
Reps. Coffman & Polis launch bipartisan Integrative Health and Wellness Caucus, citing successes of integrative health treatments Coffman...
The Truth About AutoImmune Disease
The truth about autoimmune disease is that it is auto-initiated. The prevailing theory of how this occurs is that the immune system...
Women in Pain
Health & Harmony By Dr. Nancy Gahles, DC, CCH, OIM Women in Pain “There seems to be an ‘Oh she’s so neurotic’ attitude towards female...
Whole Systems Medicine: A Common Sense Approach to Pain Management
Published in Integrative by Nancy Gahles, DC, CCH, RSHom(NA), OIM Common sense is a basic ability to perceive,...